Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my blog.  I plan on sharing my thoughts, ideas and things I find interesting here.  Some days it’ll be about my writing. Some days it’ll be about the places I’ve traveled to or plan on traveling to. Some days it’ll be political in nature (as this affects some of my writing). Some days it’ll be something that I find humorous.  Basically, this blog will be a mix bag of my crazy random thoughts.

I want to start with something simple. So let me tell you about my writing.  I’ve always had a passion for telling stories, but because of my dyslexia I never thought I could write. I avoided writing like the plague.  It still makes me nervous to post and share my writing because I’m sure there are grammar and/or spelling mistakes. But what changed for me was reading.  I loved to read, but I never saw characters I could relate too.  Sure there were some amazing heroes, but none that reflected me (and not the bald sexy me with smoldering eyes).  I never saw strong male or female gay protagonists, sure there might be a quirky side character or two out there.  Or a brief mention of a passing character, but not one that the whole story was based on.  Yes, there are a number of very good gay themed books out there but none that I thought reflected me and the world I’m from.

With that in mind I started writing.

In 2004 I started writing silly online game narratives. It was great practice, and I learned a lot.  I worked with an excellent group of friends and we had a lot of fun.  As I continued to work on my craft, I came up with ideas for my two current works in progress.  One an epic Science Fiction story (A New World – Contact Book 1), which I started back in the early 1990s and the other a darker Paranormal/Urban Fantasy (The Calling – Book 1) involving Vampires (or Immortals as they are referred to in the story).  Once the stories were crafted and after some difficult feedback from my Beta Readers I found a writing group where I’ve been polishing the novels and getting them ready to publish.

These aren’t the only stories I have to tell. There are two other novels that I’m working on and of course the Books 2 and 3 of A New World and Book 2 of The Calling.

It is my hope to tell good stories that anyone can relate to.  I hope you’ll see a little of yourself in the characters and more importantly enjoy their journey.