Story Time – Bay Area Queer Writers Association

Hello Scribblers. Am I the only one who is absolutely hating this heatwave.  It’s crazy. I know California typically gets one or two of these a year. I’ll never get used to them. They sure suck. And don’t even get me started on all the fires.  It’s been insane.

Today I wanted to share with you that this Saturday August 22nd at 4pm the writers of BAQWA (Bay Area Queer Writers Association) will be hosting a Story Time (virtual reading) this will be our second virtual event. We were so impressed with the turnout of the last one, we decided to do another one. The plan is to offer virtual readings on a regular basis, so check out my event page (click here), or join our group on Facebook so you never miss out. Click here.

I’m very excited to be doing another one of these, maybe at some point I’ll get more comfortable in front of the camera. Let me know down below what you think I should read from. The choices are: Conviction (Book 2 – A New World), T.A.D. – The Angel of Death, The Reunion, or A Dragon for Christmas. Cast your vote and stop by on Saturday at 4pm to see what I’ll be reading.

Here is a direct link to the event:


Also, this week, I wanted to share the exciting news that I received the pre-edits for The Called (the second and final book in my The Calling series). I’m really thrilled to get these, because it means we are that much closer to the release of the final novel in this duology. If all goes well the book should be out early next year (January or February), but perhaps it’ll be sooner.

Here is the book blurb to wet your appetite:

The world is changing quickly for Chris now that he’s part of the Immortal Community. With the events of his past finally behind him, he’s still having visions and true magic is gradually taking hold in our world. There are new challenges that the Immortals must face, but Chris is still new and has no real standing in the immortal community. Learning that nothing in the Immortal community is what Chris thought and now having to face new threats, how will his new world unfold? Old enemies must work together and longtime friends may not be trustworthy. Who is lurking in the shadows? Why are they here? What does this mean for witches, immortals and humans?

Can Chris’ visions even be trusted given recent events, and how easily his mind is manipulated? With Juliet, Amanda, and Kirtus by his side they have to prevent the immortal and witch community from being exposed. Can they trust the local witches that are there to assist them? Can they trust their fellow Immortals? New friendships are made, and longtime alliances are called into question. How will The Called defeat these latest threats, and what does it mean for our world?

And that is all I have for you this week Scribblers. Don’t forget to leave me a comment and let me know what story you want me to read from this Saturday. Additionally, are you looking forward to The Called?  Please remember to drop me a heart/like letting me know you stopped by. If you want to help support me and my writing efforts please consider sharing this post on your social media platforms to help keep the conversation going. Until next time I hope you stay safe and have a great week.

Virtual Book Reading

Hello Scribblers and a happy Wednesday to you all. This week, well this last weekend, in case you haven’t heard yet, I was part of a virtual book reading with one of the writers’ groups I belong to; the Bay Area Queer Writers Association (BAQWA). There were six of us reading from our various works. We had a blast.

There was a little something for everyone. We had readings from romance, fantasy, vampires, and even an essay about South Africa. The reading, and our readers were quite the mix.  If you missed it check it out by clicking here.


To learn more about BAQWA and our group of authors click here.

For the virtual book reading I read from my debut novel The Calling. If you would like to view the reading (which I would love) check it out below.

Don’t forget I have several books out right now, not just The Calling. You can find all my works here.


That’s it for this week, I’m keeping it nice and short. Next week I’m having another amazing guest author here for chat so keep an eye open for that. Check out the reading and learn more about the amazing authors from BAQWA and their works. Is there something you would like me to read from for my next book reading? The Calling was requested by a fan, so if there is a book of mine you’d like me to read from let me know in the comments below. Until next time, please stay safe, wear a mask, support each other, and practice social distancing.

Podcasts and More

Here we are, it’s Wednesday again Scribblers. I hope you are having a great week. This week, I wanted to give a shout out to some of my favorite podcasts. If you don’t listen to podcasts you need to start, they are fun and a great way to keep up with the topics you find most interesting. I also love that they make my commute to the office and back home bearable.

Here is my list of favorite podcasts in no particular order:


WROTE Podcast: WROTE is a weekly podcast where the hosts Baz and Vance chat with guests about LGBTQ storytelling in all genres and mediums. However, there podcast isn’t just about LGBTQ storytelling, they talk to all kinds of LGBTQ content providers and consumers.

What I love about Vance and Baz is how lively the conversations are. You can tell they have fun with their guests. You never know where they conversation will go, but you will have a great time getting there. I can’t tell you how many wonderful new authors I’ve learned about thanks to this podcast. Each podcast is about an hour which is nice.

Find the WROTE Podcast here.


The WritesCast Network: This podcast is a writing-podcast collective for writers, by writers, with the mission to gather all of your favorite writerly audio on one convenient RSS feed. The Writescast Network started with the R. R. Campbell writescast, which features author, editor, and agent interviews full of writing wisdom from storytellers across the globe. They have expanded to include Biblio Breakdown and Novel Approaches, both of which are more craft-intensive.

R.R. Campbell and his co-host Sione Aeschliman are intelligent and great to listen to, as a writer, I find myself agreeing with a lot of what they share and taking mental notes on how to improve my writing.  As a Reader I love R.R.’s one-on-one conversation with authors, it’s a great way to find out about books and new authors I wouldn’t have heard of otherwise. The Writescast Network episodes are about a half hour and the indebt writing conversations on Novel Approach last bout an hour. Both are high quality and very informative.

Find The Writescast Network here.

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GayTalk 2.0: The Ultimate PodCast: Is a group of three friends that come together every Monday to provide listeners with hilarious commentary on all the current events of the week.  The hosts sit around the table with cocktails in hand bringing the latest on art, current events, news, music, and other topics that impact the LGBT community.  The show consists of several segments that are chosen to provide listeners relevant, current, informative content with a funny gay twist. Most topics discussed on the show are those that closely affect the LGBTQ+ community. The hosts don’t shy away from any topic; Sex, politics, alcohol, addiction, fetish, gossip, celebrities, or tragedy. They cover it all.

The banter, oh my goodness the banter. Tom, Chris, and Nick (or Trish) are funny as hell. These guys are great. I may not always agree 100% with them, but if you are looking for conversations on current events that are discussed with a lot of heart (and seriousness when applicable) then you have to check out this podcast. I can’t recommend them enough. This podcast hovers around an hour to an hour and a half and it’s worth every minute.

Find GayTalk2.0 here.


Queer Words: Conversation with queer-identified authors about their works and lives.

That really sums it up, Wayne Goodman is charming and welcoming to his guest, who are all authors. Wayne will have them answer a few questions and then do a reading from one of their works. It’s another way to find some amazing books and learn about some fantastic authors. The podcast typically goes anywhere from twenty to thirty minutes.

Find Queer Words here.

You really need to check out these amazing podcasts, they are always a wonderful break from your day-to-day.

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As a reminder, this week I have two events coming up. First, Friday (August 16th) at 7 p.m. I’m going to be part of a Meet the Authors event here in San Jose at the Billy DeFrank Center.

I’ll be joined by the amazing J.Scott Coatsworth, the outstanding SA ‘Baz’ Collins, and the brilliant Jeanne Marcella.

Find more information by clicking here.

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Second, this Saturday at 11 a.m. I’ll be live on Facebook with A. F. Stewart for their live stream Between the Pages. We’ll be chatting about my Sci Fi series and my upcoming work. Check out the details here.

A lot is still going on. I hope you check out these podcasts they are all top quality and every entertaining. I learn a lot from each of them and wouldn’t miss a week. Do you have any favorite podcasts? What do you listen to on the drive to and from work? Let me know in the comments below. In the meantime have a great week and see you next time.