
Interview cover - final.png
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Saving the planet isn’t cheap, and it’s not something anyone thinks about. We can’t only rely on the government, so who are the nameless donors and funders that bring green technologies to fruition? What kind of person spends their personal fortune on ways to clean the environment, and make our planet a better home? Meet Ali Emerson, one of these faceless benefactors, find out why Ali decided to focus on saving the world in the Interview.

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Saving the planet isn’t cheap, and it’s not something anyone thinks about. We can’t only rely on the government, so who are the nameless donors and funders that bring green technologies to fruition? What kind of person spends their personal fortune on ways to clean the environment, and make our planet a better home? Meet Ali Emerson, one of these faceless benefactors, find out why Ali decided to focus on saving the world in the Interview.

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