What my writing space should look like.
I wanted to spend a little time talking about my current works in progress. ‘A New World – Contact’ is the first book in a planned three book series. It’s exciting to write an epic Science Fiction story that takes place over three books. It gives me the flexibility to tell a complete story with all the details and characters I want bring out. Each of the three novels is its own story with a beginning, middle and end. The novels will tie into the greater universe and give people the chance to really get to know the characters and the world.
As it stands right now, ‘A New World – Contact’ has been through a round of Beta Readers and is being edited. The second book in the Series has been outlined and is being written. The third book of the series has been outlined. So, the story is there and all its parts are laid out. I, also plan on keeping the door open for additional stories should the series go in that direction.
‘The Calling’, my dark Urban Fantasy/Vampire story, is the first book in a two book series. ‘The Calling’ has gone through Beta Readers and is also being edited. This adult dark story has been fun to write letting me play around with my darker side. Also, it’s allowed me to explore one of my personal favorite genres, vampires, in a dark setting. The story doesn’t begin dark, but we travel away from the light at a slow steady pace, which I find fun to write. Unlike my other work, the status on book two of ‘The Calling’ is that there is only a rough outline, but it’s a start.
One final update on the writing front, coming soon is my short story ‘The Reunion’ which I’ve been working on and is getting ready to be posted to this site. ‘The Reunion’ takes place in a small Midwest town where a group of friends gather for a reunion. The characters are colorful but they are set against a bleak backdrop. There is more news coming about ‘The Reunion’ that will be announced in the New Year, so stay tuned.
Doesn't it look easy?
As you can see a lot is going on and I have several balls in the air right now. I encourage you to sign up for my “Update on Scribbles” to get announcements and news on ‘A New World – Contact’, ‘The Calling’ and ‘The Reunion’. Also, if you have questions feel free to drop me a note.