Interview with Author Glenn Quigley

Happy Wednesday everyone this week I want to say a big hello to fellow NineStar Press Author Glenn Quigley who hails all the way from Northern Ireland. As many of you may remember I had Glen on a while ago to talk about his amazing novels the Moth and Moon and the sequel The Lion Lies Waiting, both are fantastic reads find the interview here and pick up the books here.


Welcome back Glenn. It’s been way to long since we’ve had a nice sit down. Now before we get started please tell everyone about yourself (something not in the bio):

After years of thinking about it but never doing it, I was in the middle of finally learning how to swim when the lockdown happened. So as soon as I can, I’m getting back into a pool and hoping I can remember how to float. 

What have you been doing since the last time you were here?

I’ve finally given in and bought myself an easel for my charcoal drawing and you know what? It’s great. I should have bought one years ago. I held off because I thought it would take up too much room but its fine and makes me feel like a proper artist. Next up, a beret.

I’ve written book three in my Moth and Moon series and I’ve started book four, which is going to be a prequel. So I guess that makes it book zero?

Last time you were here, I mentioned that you were not only a writer but also an artist. Tell us about your art?  When did you start drawing? What was your inspiration? Do you only do graphic design?

I’ve been drawing since I was a very young child. I’m a comicbook fan and my school books were filled with doodles of my own superhero characters. (And eyes. Everyone drew eyes, right?)

My mother is an artist and taught me a lot about painting and encouraged me to pursue art (and writing). We took some art classes together in the local library, too, which led to me having work displayed in the National Gallery in Ireland. I tend to bounce around with different mediums. Currently, it’s charcoal, which I hadn’t used since I was a teenager. I really love it, especially for portraits. My graphic design work these days tends to be mainly t-shirt design for The Moody Bear find them here and I’m currently working on a whole new range in a whole new style, so watch this space. 

Do you do contract art? Say if someone wanted to have you draw their characters from one of their books?

I actually did do some bespoke art for a novelist. I ran a Twitter competition where the prize was to have a character drawn. The winner was Kristin Noone and she chose Oliver from her novel A Prophecy for Two. It was a fun experience and I’d definitely do it again. I take commissions so maybe I should think about reaching out to authors.

Okay, tell us about your writing I know you have your two amazing books out right now, so what’s coming up next? Sequels? New stories? What?

The next book is the third in the series that began with The Moth and Moon and it sees someone getting shipwrecked on the island and revealing some shocking news that sends burly fisherman Robin Shipp on a perilous journey alone across the ocean. I can’t reveal any more at the moment, but it’s the biggest book I’ve written so far and I’m excited to get it out there.

All of your books are more or less historical fantasy, have you thought about a different genre? What genre would you love to write, but you haven’t gotten around to writing in it yet? Or does the idea intimidate you too much? 

I’m a huge sci-fi fan so I think that will be my next genre. I actually had an idea the other night for a story that I’ve been fleshing out. It’s quite an intimidating genre to jump into but I think it could be fun. I think the trick it to tell myself that no one else ever has to read it, so that way I can just relax and get into it.

Last question, what is the one thing you would love readers of you books to be left with? What message do you hope readers will walk with?

I hope that people are left with a sense of what the world could be like if we abandon our prejudices. I hope it makes them see the world a little more kindly.


Thank you Glenn for coming over and chatting with us today. Check out Glenn’s amazing artwork and don’t forget to read his books. Also find Glenn on social media and keep up to date with everything he is up to. Until next time I hope you stay safe and have a great week. 

About Glenn Quigley:


Glenn Quigley is a graphic designer originally from Dublin and now living in Lisburn, Northern Ireland. He creates bear designs for The Moody Bear (click here). He has been interested in writing since he was a child, as essay writing was the one and only thing he was ever any good at in school. When not writing or designing, he enjoys photography and watercolor painting.

Where to contact Glenn Quigley:

Find him on Twitter here.

Reach him on Facebook here.

Check out his website here.

Where to buy Glenn’s books:

Find them on Amazon here.

Get your copy from Ninestar Press here.
