Happy Wednesday Scribblers. What a crazy couple of weeks it’s been. I don’t know how you all are feeling these days, but honestly, I’ve been up and down. I don’t want to make this a big huge rant (which is why I posted nothing last week) so let’s just keep it at; the world is in flux and I’m not sure how things are going to turn out, but I’m hoping for the best. This week to keep things light. I wanted to share a couple of updates.
There is some news about Conspiracy-A New World (Book3). The draft cover art looks amazing. I couldn’t be more pleased with how it turned out, so I can’t wait for the cover art to be finalized, so I can share it with you. I think, and hope, you will love the cover as much as I do. My publisher and I are, hopefully, still on target for a late Summer release. Once I have more details, I will let you all know.
Over the July 4th Holiday, I was at BayCon 2022 (click here to find out more). This was my first time, and the conference was a blast. I got to meet and hang out with so many great people, and I managed to catch up with some old friends who I haven’t seen in a while. I even sat on my first panel with the wonderful folks over at HorrorAddicts.Net (click here to learn more). The four days were busy as I’m sure you can guess. While everyone else went off to their panels at the Con, I spent most of my time at the Liminal Fiction booth. For me, this event was all about networking and getting a feel for the convention, which I did. BayCon this year was a restart after the shutdown, so it wasn’t as busy as pre-pandemic, so hopefully next year the event will be even better. My plan is to get myself onto more panels and be a more active participant.
Here are a couple of photos from the event.
The Liminal Fiction booth in the Dealer Room
Horroradditcs.net Panel: Emz, Loren, R.L Merrill, Mark, M.D. Neu, and Laurel
Kim Fielding, CK Parker, M.D. Neu & J. Scott Coatsworth
M.D. Neu and R.L. Merrill sporting their hot pink outfits!
As you can see, we had a good time (can’t you see our smiling faces, LOL). Thanks to everyone who stopped by and said hello, an even bigger thank you to the folks who came and picked up some of my books. Well, that’s all for this week. Until next time, have a great week.